Paibona Village

Our project started with a request to build a secondary school in Paibona Village with a focus on supporting girls seeking education. We are now expanding to include sustainable farming.

Internal conflicts within countries can severely hinder the development of essential services like education. This was the situation in Paibona, a rural village in the Gulu region of northern Uganda, where over 25 years of conflict led to the displacement of many residents.

As of 2021, Paibona still lacked a secondary school. In early 2022, the Board of the Paibona Secondary School Project reached out to Heart Sounds for assistance. We began by providing desks for the first building that was constructed as well as contributing 10 sets of textbooks.

Our collaboration with the Board continues, focusing on ensuring that young women have the opportunity to attend school and complete their education. Our goal is to have 10 girls enrolled in the secondary school program. We are committed to assisting with their school fees and providing psychosocial support to both the students and their families to ensure their success.

Looking ahead, the Paibona Village Project is expanding to include sustainable farming initiatives, further contributing to the community's resilience and long-term development.
Heart Sounds Paibona Village
Your generosity can change lives. By donating, you can help us ensure that girls in Paibona have access to education, psychosocial support, and the resources they need to build a brighter future.
Heart Sounds Country Director, Simon Nduala (3rd from left) and Heart Sounds Board Member, John Paul Agaba (far right) meet with the Paibona School Board Members at the school.

Other Heart Sounds Projects

Fair Trade Jewelry

Heart Sounds helps empower mental health service users through hands-on skills in arts and crafts, creating fabric products and unique jewelry, and marketing these items at fair trade markets in the U.S.

Health Outreach Clinics

Heart Sounds collaborates with Rugarama Hospital to conduct quarterly outreach clinics in Maziba community, Kabale District. Our mission is to deliver essential preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health services to an undeserved population.

Home for Divine Mercy

Heart Sounds works with Charities of Divine Mercy to help rehabilitate vulnerable girls by providing vocational training, as well as helping to grow food for the girls and their families.